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The Autism Society promotes active and informed involvement of family members and the individual with autism in the planning of individualized, appropriate services and support. The board of the Autism Society believes that each person with autism is a unique individual. Each family and individual with autism should have the right to learn about and then select the options that they feel are most appropriate for the individual with autism. To the maximum extent possible, we believe that both the parents and the individual with autism should make decisions.
Services should enhance and strengthen natural family and community supports for the individual with autism and the family whenever possible. The service option designed for an individual with autism should result in improved quality of life. Abusive treatment of any kind is not an option.
We firmly believe that no single type of program or service will fill the needs of every individual with autism and that each person should have access to support services. Selection of a program, service, or method of treatment should be on the basis of a full assessment of each person’s abilities, needs, and interest. We believe that services should be outcome-based to insure that they meet the individualized needs of a person with autism.
With appropriate education, vocational training and community living options and support systems, individuals with autism can lead dignified, productive lives in their communities and strive to reach their fullest potential. The Autism Society believes that all individuals with autism have the right to access appropriate services and support based on their needs and desires. Adopted 4/1/1995
The terms “autism” and “pervasive developmental disorder” are sometimes used interchangeably on this site. Although some people distinguish between these two diagnoses, the same educational strategies and interventions will help children with either diagnosis.
AcadianaAutism.org does not collect personal information from users of this site. It does not send unsolicited e-mail or spam through its email service. ALL recipients of email sent through the bulk email service we use, Constant Contact, have given their consent to receive email from Autism Society Acadiana. If you do not wish to remain on our email list, please follow the instructions to unsubscribe, or contact our office to have your email address removed from the list.
If you encounter problems with this site, such as errors in the formatting, links, or factual information, please let us know. We welcome your comments and suggestions.
The information found on this website is for informational purposes only. No endorsement of any particular therapy or intervention is implied. Because no two individuals with autism are the same, you are strongly encouraged to research all information offered to determine whether any approach, treatment or program may be beneficial to you, your children, or your students.

About Us
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3108 W. Pinhook Road Suite 101
Lafayette, La 70508
Phone: 337-235-4427
Email: Contact@acadianaautism.org